The Complete History of Everything

Archives Gig is Moving to!

Hi Everyone! Archives Gig is moving away from LiveJournal, which has been its home for the past four years! Please note that this page will remain up in perpetuity, but it will no longer be updated. Users that access jobs through Facebook and/or Twitter probably won't notice too much of a change.

If you are using an RSS reader to follow Archives Gig updates, please change to this feed.

The new address:!

As always, please contact me with any questions!

The Complete History of Everything

Quick break!

Hi All! You may have noticed that I've slacked off on updates for the past few days. I'm very much still around, but postings are sluggish because:

A) My job has been unusually hectic of late, and when that happens, my priorities have to shift a bit.

B) I am planning a migration away from LiveJournal, and I'd like to start updating the new iteration of Archives Gig soon. More news about that later this week (fingers crossed).

Job postings will begin again soon! Thanks for your patience.
